3-5 minute video tutorials on Assistive Technology tips that every teacher (and parent) needs to know to include and engage  ALL students.  Just click on the links to go to the videos.

These AT clips are literally “keys” to unlocking barriers to the curriculum

& other activities for students with various disabilities.

Keep checking back to this site for more AT FastTrack Video Keys!

NOTE: to activate closed captioning on any YouTube video when viewing from the computer just click on the CC on the toolbar beneath the video once you get to YouTube.  To view YouTube’s built-in Close Captioning option on an iPad use the Puffin Web browser App and go to the YouTube links below.  Click CC on the toolbar beneath the videos. 

AT FastTrack Video Keys: Unlock learning anywhere, anytime 24/7.

Our AT FastTrack Video Keys Series


Guided Access on the iPad:  

Restricting your student to one App  


Making Folders on the iPad:  

Enhancing App organization on the iPad


Multitasking on the iPad:  

Benefits of multitasking, seamless use of multiple Apps to enhance productivity  


Speak Selection on the iPad:

Providing alternate access to text for students with LD, low vision, global delays, ADHD through text to speech on the iPad


Scanning App Prizmo on the iPad:

Providing alternate access to hard copy handouts or books immediately with your iPad.  Great for providing auditory alternate access to fixed print for students with barriers to print.  


ReadIris and Type on PDF on the iPad:

Providing easy and fast alternate access to hard copy print documents (handouts, books, forms) for students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, physical disabilities, ADHD using these two Apps


Closed Captioning on the iPad: On the iPad launch the Puffin Web browser App (or any other web browser App that will read Flash).  Come to this site and click on the Youtube links.  Assigning Closed Captioning to your iPad will ensure that any video presented with closed captioned capability will be activated when the movie is launched.   This is a standard UDL practice in today's 21st century classroom providing access to video content by all students.  Don’t forget to assign closed captioning of any video once you’re in YouTube!


Adding Closed Captioning to YouTube Videos:  

When accessing YouTube it is easy to assign Closed Captioning (CC) to almost any video.  This AT FastTrack Video Key will walk you through how to do that using YouTube’s CC automatic translation.  We also demonstrate how to add a more accurate Video Transcript and sync it to your desired video before making it public.   Remember to use the Puffin App to access CC when using YouTube on an iPad.


iBooks Bookshelves:  iBooks is a tremendous App that allows users to purchase books and organize those books into personalized or individualized bookshelves.  This capability comes in handy for ANYBODY but specifically for students with organization difficulties, teachers with multiple students using one iPad and students with many subject areas and many documents to organize and file.  This AT FastTrack Video Key walks you through how to make different bookshelves in iBooks.


Dictation on the iPad offers students with written output difficulties opportunities to produce writing through voice to text.  Beneficial for many students including those with dysgraphia, physical disabilities, visual impairments while having good knowledge, vocabulary and articulation.  Dictation relies on Wifi On in the vicinity and is available on Siri capable iPads, iPod Touches and iPhones.


NaviDys: A superb Webbrowser App providing modification of websites for access by individuals with learning disabilities and visual impairments.


Who Benefits:

Young children, elderly learning iPad, students with global delays, ADHD, ASD...

Who Benefits:

All users, students with executive function difficulties (organization, planning), teachers, parents...

Who Benefits:

All users, students with LD, teachers, parents...

Who Benefits:

Students with LD (decoding and comprehension), Vision Impairments, students with good receptive language, ADHD...

Who Benefits:

Students with LD (decoding and comprehension), Vision Impairments, students with good receptive language, ADHD...

Who Benefits:

Students with LD (decoding and comprehension), Vision Impairments, students with good receptive language, ADHD...

Our video keys are free to use and share and we hope you enjoy them however if you really really like our AT FastTrack Series let us know with a small donation to our registered Canadian Charity supporting children with disabilities.  Thanks so much for your support!

Who Benefits:

Students who are deaf or hard of hearing, students with CAPD, teachers who are practicing UDL in the classroom to include all students.

Who Benefits:

ANYBODY but specifically students with organization difficulties, individuals with many books who want to organize them by author, alphabet, subject.

Who Benefits:

Students with written output difficulties including those with dysgraphia, fine motor difficulties, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, vision impairments and those enjoying the convenience of hand-free writing!

Who Benefits:

Individuals with hearing impairments.  Also YouTube offers in the same CC automatic translation the opportunity for translation of the text into another language!  Access for All!

Who Benefits:

Students with Learning Disabilities and students with visual impairments enhancing access to digital text in webpages.